Github Network Network Geographics Communities

Explore Geographics of Users

On this page, you can explore the geographical location of the users and trends regarding the different continents. This exclusively includes looking at the users that actually have a location attached to them, which is only 949 out of the total 1585. First, the locations are shown and clustered on a world map giving a quick overview. It is possible to zoom in and check out the individual users. This is then followed by an interactive map with nodes colored according to continent and edges that are coloured according to whether they connect users within or across borders. Feel free to click and explore. Lastly, an overview of the continents can be seen as well as a graph with nodes positioned using Force Atlas 2, now the nodes and edges are colored based on their continent attribute just as on the map.

World Map Network


It can be seen from the maps, that there are definitely some big hubs in North America defined by single very influential users. There is also a hub in Europe mainly around Paris and smaller hub in Asia around Beijing. There seems to be many connections across borders.


The number of connections across continents and within borders can be seen in the table below, where it is clear that most connections are made between the two main represented continents Europe and North America. Interestingly, there are more connections between these continents than within Europe itself showing the dominance of North American users on GitHub related to machine learning.

Network with Attributes



From the initial analysis of the continents, an overall trend of using the Python programming language is seen, however it seems that in Asia they are second most into using Javascript where they in Europe instead prefer C#. In North America, these three languages are all represented in the top 3 most used. Despite the less number of users from Oceania, the users on average have the second highest number of followers.
