Github Network Network Geographics Communities

Explore the Coding Communities

On this page, you can explore the coding communities within the network. Around 13 hidden communities were found by the Louvian Algorithm, however a thorough analysis was only done for the top 5 largest ones. An overview of these are given below alongside an evaluation of averages sentiments and LIX number, which is a measure indicating the complexity of a text.

This is followed by a section allowing you to check out each community more closely just simply by clicking the tabs. Here you will see a visualization of the giant connected component in the network for the specific community where the nodes are coloured by continent and again positioned based on the Force Atlas 2 algorithm. The grey nodes indicate that the user's locations is unknown. Further, you will see word clouds representing the most important words within the community for the user biographies and repository descriptions based on TF-IDF, which is a statistic used to reflect the importance of a word in one document in a collection of documents. The most used programming languages are also shown in a word cloud.

Coding Communities


The communities can be described such that the first community is dominated by European users, whereas the next three are dominated by users in North America and last one with users in Asia. Regarding programming language, it can be seen that Python appears in all communities, though the fourth is mainly described by using C# . This is however also the community with the least average stars indicating lower interest from other users. The highest average stars is given to communities mainly using Python and JavaScript.

Text Analysis

The first and biggest community ranks as the second regarding sentiments and first for the LIX number showing that this network has quite a good vibe with a higher level of language use. It can be seen that the happiest community in terms of user biography is the third community with Microsoft, however this ranks neutral regarding description sentiment. The fifth and smallest community comes across as having the lowest sentiments revealing a less good vibe. The second community with students scores rather low in description sentiment maybe due to encountering many issues in their research projects, and they are actually quite high in language complexity. Unexpectedly, the opposite applies for the fourth community with researches where it seems they are not complicated in language use. They are not happy in their biographies, though they might encounter less frustration in their coding with higher sentiment in descriptions. Quite interesting when this is the only community mainly using C#.

For Community 1, some big nodes can be seen indicating few very influential users. You can hover over the nodes to see who. Overall, a somewhat even share of influence can be seen from European and North American users. In the word clouds, there is a clear dominance of spark, python and JavaScript showing a high level of diversity and no real specifics regarding the type of users. It is however the biggest community with many influential and highly connected users.


Word Clouds

Repository descriptions


User biographies


Programming languages


For Community 2, there are a few big nodes with influential users and many small nodes mainly from North America. In the word clouds, there seems to be a relation to an educational enviroment with words as phd, student, university and research. There is a dominance of Python and library which makes sense as students would probably often take advantage of predifined libraries in their projects rather than development from scratch.


Word Clouds

Repository descriptions


User biographies


Programming languages


For Community 3, there are a few dominant users from North America and many smaller nodes from all a diverse range of continents. In the word clouds, there is one very dominant word net that is likely referring to the software-framework .NET running on Microsoft Windows. Words as team, manager and principal is also apparent as well as a dominance of C# which is the main programming language for .NET. The word PowerShell also stands out and is related to Microsoft. These users are likely connected to the industry and in specific Microsoft.


Word Clouds

Repository descriptions


User biographies


Programming languages


For Community 4, all users are almost connected to the one central user and largest node from North America. The word clouds show dominance of the words data python . We see titles as engineer, scientist and phd, meaning that this is probably more of research community.


Word Clouds

Repository descriptions


User biographies


Programming languages


For Community 5, there seems to be no real dominant users though most nodes from Asia. In the word clouds, important words are google, cloud as well as the programming language Go and machine learning library tensorflow, both developed by Google. This also applies to words as kubernetes, along kubeflow that is the machine learning toolkit used on Kubernetes. These users are likely connected to the industry specifically Google.


Word Clouds

Repository descriptions


User biographies


Programming languages
